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The Narcissist Chef: How would you like to be served up?

November 27th, 2020 · No Comments

How would you like to be served up?

Florida (Nov. 27, 2930 8:13 a.m) — It is un-natural, the defensive posturing needed to be deployed against narcissists, known and unknown, who seek to advance their agenda, any agenda, upon their current or future potential targets for exploitation.

They are hustlers, jockeying the moment, all moments of social interaction, evaluating it for potential exploitation.

Investigating, with surgical precision, the terrain of one’s life, activities, resources, assets, tangible and intangible.

Analyzing the material, you, for established, or if not ready-to-eat, for potential resources for consumption.

If there is a seed, they will nurture it, provide it water, sunlight, nutrients. Of course, this chef will prepare its meal according to their desired taste. Ingredients, seasoning, and the like, surreptitiously contributed along the way until harvesting. That way it (you) will taste so good going down their gullet. Maybe, they will simply lick that ice cream, sip that coffee, to take a shark like bite, depending on what’s on the menu.

So, would you like to be a piece of rare steak? A double latte with cinnamon sprinkles? Or how bout a splendidly blended strawberry smoothy? Don’t worry, the narcissist is fickle, has a wide pallet to choose from.

You Just have to decide what page of the menu you’d like to reside on.

Your a piece of produce to pull from the fertile ground they developed. To skin, prepare, and then deliciously consumed.

All simultaneously, willingly, copartnered by yours truly. So, with lifelong closet guilt, your just as responsible for your own fate. Lying there on the white cloth draped feasting table.

Oh, but wait. I see, you think you’ll sour the meal by adding a little lemon? Guess what, you just soured yourself as well, accommodating this altered state as a mechanism of perpetual adaptation.

It’s done. Congratulations. You have just genetically altered yourself to protect yourself from being consumed?

Healthy people are not equipped with the required armament of shields, cleverness, evasive countermeasures, diplomacy, distancing skills, education, maturity, money, yes, financial resources (to move out, get a new phone number, etc,) required to combat the “Cold War” climate established by the narcissist.

engaging in accepted social protocol keeps them within range of there target, you. All the while, instinctively eying, with well trained vision, for kinks in the armor. All the while, ready, fully locked and cocked, coiled to strike, seeking to bite two hollow fangs into the fertile ground they cultivated to strike upon.


Tags: Lifestyle

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